Sunday worship at HLBC

Our gathered church is made up of many cultures and backgrounds, and worship on a Sunday reflects this – with a preaching and worship team of diverse styles and ministries who serve our community.

Morning service

The morning service begins at 10.15am with worship and preaching at its centre. The first part of the service is ‘altogether’ worship time before young people leave for Sunday Club. There is usually a sermon, and also time for prayer, reflection and worship. The service finishes around 11.35am for refreshments.

Recordings of services and videos from our Online Church services are available listed under Recent Activities and on our YouTube channel. You can also listen back to recordings from services before March 2020 on our Sermons page.

Around once a month we have an all-age service, where young people stay in and we worship and learn together, such as on holiday Sundays. Communion is shared on the first Sunday of the month as part of morning worship.

Young people

Children go out to Sunday Club (our Sunday school classes) part way through the morning service. We currently run groups based round school year for ages 4 up to around 16. Provision for teenagers varies depending on the current age range of our young people.


We have an open prayer room that is available for prayer in solitude or with someone from the church community throughout Sunday worship. The room is usually available from around 9.30am for those wanting prayer time or quiet before the service.