10am Morning Worship
Join us for worship, prayer and teaching led by Liz and Graeme, continuing our series as we journey through the book of Acts. This week – Acts 9.19-31.
Morning services at HLBC include a variety of music styles and singing, Bible teaching and prayer. Currently children aged 13 and under leave after 20–30 minutes to go to their own Sunday Club activities. A baby room is also available at the back of the church during the service. Refreshments are available after the service ends, usually between 11.15 to 11.30am.
6.30pm Evening Worship
Alison leads tonight’s meeting – ‘Celebrations of Love: Valentine’s Service’.
This meeting will have a community focus. Between 6.30pm and 7.30pm there will be time for prayer and reflection as we explore some of life’s issues and concerns. The service is followed by free refreshments and a chance to discuss. Everyone is welcome.