Join us for worship, prayer and teaching this morning, the first Sunday of Advent. This service will include sharing of communion.

‘Unto us a child is born’: Paul and Graeme lead this service exploring the words of Isaiah 7 and 9. To some the first candle is known as the prophecy candle, it recalls the prophets, particularly Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Jesus. This candle also represents HOPE in the expectation of the coming messiah, telling the story of who is to come. All too often we place our hope and expectations into people and in many cases material things. This leads to frustration when they break or let us down in a time of need. Today we hear of the one who brings us hope in the here and now and of the future. Someone who will never let us down or abandon us. Today we will see all our expectations met in the foretelling of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Morning services at HLBC include a variety of music styles and singing, Bible teaching and prayer. Currently children aged 16 and under leave after 20–30 minutes to go to their own Sunday Club activities, and a creche usually runs at the same time for 3s and under. A baby room is also available at the back of the church during the service. Refreshments are provided after the service ends, usually between 11.20 to 11.30am.

Contact the Church Office if you’d like to know more about services at HLBC.