We are excited to be hosting several exciting events during the autumn months.

On Thursday 27th, our annual open evening takes place. Come and have a nosey round the buildings, enjoy a BBQ tea in the gardens and meet some of the room users and community groups who share the space during the week.

Then Sunday 30th is our all-age Harvest service in the main church building. Find out more about what you can bring on the service event page.

In October, we are delighted to be hosting the 2018 Whitley Lecture on behalf of the Baptist Union of Great Britain in Leeds. Helen Paynter delivers this leture entitled ‘Dead and Buried: Attending to the voices of the victim in the Old Testament and today’. Full details can be found on our event page.

Finally, in November, our Remembrance Service will be commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War One, and the lives that were affected in the local community.