10.30am Morning Service

Community Morning. Our series on John continues with John 8.1-11 BUT this morning’s service will be a bit different to usual! For a start, note the change of start time to 10.30am.

Community Sunday is an opportunity to engage in different ways with the scripture for the day. We hope the first thing you will notice will be the welcome. Tea and coffee to begin, and then 4 different opportunities to explore the Bible together as a community.

10.30am – tea and coffee, followed by welcome and intro

10.55am – Four interactive spaces:

  • ART SPACE – in the Gym. A creative time to engage with the scripture passage through art.
  • READING SPACE – in the Green room. An opportunity to engage with the passage through the lens of current affairs in the newspapers.
  • STUDY SPACE – in Graeme’s office. A time to engage with the scripture passage of the day in a basic way with opportunity for discussion.
  • LISTENING SPACE – main church. Engage with scripture by listening to the passage being broken open in a more traditional style sermon.

11.40am – Re-gather for worship and Communion.

12 noon – Lunch

6.30pm Evening Worship

A smaller gathering for worship, word and prayer. We continue our study of Ephesians, with Karoly and Paul leading on: ‘Wives and husbands’. (5.22-33)