An update from members of our congregation involved in a cohousing proect in Chapeltown…

ChaCo breakthrough?

A number of us from HLBC have been working with others in the neighbourhood on ChaCo – a community-led housing scheme for Chapeltown. The idea is to create a cohousing development tailored to the particular needs of this area. Diverse, sustainable, outward-looking and genuinely affordable. Now, after 9 years of hard slog, we’ve bought the land, signed the £4.4 million building contract and invited the new Lord Mayor to come and lay the foundation stone!

To add to the excitement, ChaCo has been shortlisted for Breakthrough Co-op of the Year 2019 by Cooperatives UK!

To win this award, we have to persuade as many people as possible to vote for us before 13th June. If you think we deserve the kudos, please click this Co-operative of the Year Awards 2019 web link where you will find the shortlist and be able to vote for us! Just follow the instructions – it’s very quick and easy.

From the Coop:
Which co-operatives or and/or individuals within the co-operative movement inspire you the most? We are asking you, the people who are running, using and supporting co‑operatives up and down the country, to decide the Co-operative of the Year Awards winners across each of the six categories.

Thanks to all who have worked, prayed and invested so generously to get us this far. Without HLBC and the Justice and Community group, this bit of Kingdom-inspired housing would never have got started.

Find out more about ChaCo on their website, or follow them on Twitter.